i heart elmo

to you :')
hai my dear . today i want to talk about you , you are so lucky dear . you got many friends . all you friends like youu , love you and cmfort with you . yess u were so lucky , smetimes i envy with you , becausee everytime they always ask you 'where is she?' if u absent , they always ask me about youu 'tmr she will attend to school right ?' 'are she okay ?' 'where is she ?' 'why she absent today?' haa  they were very care about youu . you are so lucky because got friends who love and care abt you . ;') even smetimes your behave make the others angry with u , they still accept and love you as friend . waahhhh there were fcking great to get friends like tht ;'D . my dear u should appriciate them . because of you are a funny and cheering girl , they were comfort with you . you should not to hate them babe .
babe you know what ppl tht you hate and mad most was veryy love youu . to she you are her bestfriend forever . do u rmmbr when you , me and she were on fightng , she said she wanna lose you , she want the old you , she miss the old you and she . she also said tht she love youu , thts why she be like tht . pls my dear , i dont want you hate anybody . pls she your friend to right ? hm babe pls rmmbr tht i love youu more than you think , hmm even im not a good friends for you , yeah i know tht . hee my dear pls cntrol your anger and behave . i dont want because of ur anger , we fight . remember that . xoxo


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